Technical Support Services
Choose A Role to Outsource
Khomotayon Consulting Business Support Services is special service that allows business and community organisations to outsource and tap into our pool of experience and expertise, certain circumstances often require that our personnel provide hands on experience to appropriately add value to your organisation.
Why We Offer Technical Support Services
Outsourcing is relatively cheaper than running a full-fledged in-house department /function.
Outsourcing frees up management time to allow 100% focus on strategies / core - competences that add value and grow the business.
Outsourcing offers unbiased outsider opinion and expertise thereby leveraging on human capabilities, improved employee engagement and subsequent productivity.
It facilitates regulatory compliance issues and management of risk, thereby insulating the company against related litigation.
Outsourcing incorporates provision of learning and development (training) in all employee related functions thereby investing in skills and knowledge to build internal competences.
Training in Design Thinking (Certified by CPD Certification Service)Offered in collaboration with Design Thinking and Research Solutions of South Africa. a) Introduction to Design Thinking b) Design Thinking: A Human Centred Approach to Problem-Solving c) Design Thinking Styles and Competences d) Exploring the Application and Practice of Problem-Solving Techniques in User-Centered Design
Leadership & Management TrainingThis course is designed to mould and prepare trainees for senior leadership and management roles in any type of organisation; its core modules include the following Emotional Intelligence Leadership & Management Development Managing Risk in Public Sector Organisations Managing Organisational Change Corporate Governance in Public Sector Organisations
Finance TrainingThis Training is designed for officials responsible for formulating, managing and supervising budgets whether it is public sector, private corporates or non-profit entities. This training equips participants to apply modern techniques and practices that enable them to manage financial resources effectively and efficiently for sustainable organisational growth; it's core modules include the following Financial Management & Budgeting Finance For Non -Finance Managers Credit Control and Debt Management Advanced Financial Management in Public Sector Organisations Advanced Spread Sheet Processing Economics For Managers
Adminstration TrainingThe role of front office personnel, secretaries, personal assistants and office managers has transformed over the years calling for acquisition of modern office management skills to give optimum support services to other organisational functionaries. The training exposes participants to modern office practice and computer skills in order to effectively and efficiently deliver results. It's core modules include the following Office Administration & Computer Skills Electronic Records & Information Management Professional Development For Secretaries Records & Registry Management
Supply Chain and Logistics TrainingThis short course imparts skills and knowledge of integrated appreciation of the significance and value to an organisation of a well-managed and integrated inventory and asset management system. It's core modules include the following Inventory & Asset Management Best Practices in Procurement Combating Risk & Fraud in Procurement Transport & Logistics Management
Human Resource Management and Development Training‘Effective and efficient management of any organisation’s key resource (human) may well become the single most source of competitive advantage’; research has shown. This course aims at exposing participants to the application of modern best practices in the management of an organisation’s human capital for the attainment of competitive advantage. It's core modules include the following Human Resource Best Practices in Public Sector Organisations Executive Skills in Human Resource Management Organisational Development Talent Audit and Learning Needs Analysis Payrol & Employment Returns Administration Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining Human Resource Information System Functions of Workers & Works Council Committees Interpretation and Application of Employment Code of Conduct
Customer Relationship ManagementPublic relations play a pivotal role in achieving business growth and sustainability. The thrust of this course is to impart skills and knowledge necessary for organisational employees to meet customer and other stakeholder needs. It's core modules include the following Public Relations Customer Service Management
Project Management TrainingProject Management skills are becoming more and more essential literally for all people engaged in community development work and those involved in implementing business projects. This training equips participants with essential project management skills to enable them to design, implement, monitor and evaluate performance of projects of various types. Project Management Training For Transformation Entrepreneurship Training Gender Mainstreaming Conflict Management and Transformation
Customised ProgramsWe recognize that organizational needs are not a straight jacket. Each organization’s has unique needs hence, we also offer customized training programmes that meet specific organisational needs. These may fall within the six broad areas highlighted above and others. ​ NOTE: All our training programmes are co-designed and certified by Silveira House Oasis Commercial School, dully registered with The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Development.